A recent psychology assignment introduced new thoughts on "looking back" at my life. The assignment had me studying about happiness in the last stage of life... aka "old age." How often do you sit and ponder the things you have done in your life? Do you smile when you "look back?" As I reflected on my life from past to present, I smiled because I thought of all the wonderful and amazing moments. I almost did not write this post. I was afraid some would look at it as if I am bragging about how great my life has been. I think we all need to write down the good moments we have had in life. We need to write about the things that we worked hard on and achieved. Write down things that make you smile. Although it is OK to reflect on difficult roads life has led you on, boast in yourself for once... as long as you realize that God has blessed you with these things. Trust me, just as everyone living, I have had my "less desirable" moments in life. If you get annoyed when someone talks about themselves, you should probably stop reading now. I am about to be one of those annoying people and list some of my "good times" and a few accomplishments. Hopefully I can motivate someone else to reflect on their life in a positive manner.
I suppose I will start with the most amazing moment of my life. I gave my life to Christ at 15. I moved out on my own at the young age of 18. I became a youth leader at an amazing church; challenged my "fear of public speaking" on many occasions; went on mission trips to Mexico; saw true happiness with kids living in poverty; paid for my own college; worked hard at a fortune 500 company to pay for college; learned how to fish well, play basketball somewhat well, along with ping pong; learned how to ski well in Colorado; learned how to play the guitar; hiked the Grand Canyon; seen sunrises and sunsets on many different oceans and bays; traveled to Niagara Falls in an RV; went on a cross country road trip by myself; served as a leader on a swamp adventure in Louisiana; got lost hiking in the Ozark Mountains (turned out to be a fun story); I served my country; lived in Korea; I have some amazing friends that I love; I love Jesus. I honestly can keep the list going, but I think you get the point. Just think... I haven't even wrote out a bucket list yet!
Do me a favor... take a "look back" at your life. If you can smile about it, keep doing what you are doing. If you are not happy with your reflection, do something radical to change it. Don't just think about radical ways to change it... DO IT! Just make sure you seek Jesus along the way.
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