Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."

Some friendships are fleeting and some are lasting. True friendships are glued together with bonds of loyalty and commitment. They remain intact, despite changing external circumstances.
Since I was 15, my friendships have meant more to me than some can understand.

In a family that did not attend church regularly, I gave my life to Christ at 15. A friend was responsible for helping me find God. In my young Christian life, friends were there to build me up. I was 15, which means I did not drive. For a over a year, my friend drove me to church and events. One day, 4 years later, I told him that my life was Christ centered because of his commitment as a friend. Not wanting to accept the compliment, he quickly said it was all God. Both are true. God used my friend.

95% of men can not say the have a best friend. I am blessed that I can say I have a few. I have needed them as an adult just as much as I did when I was 15... maybe more. The past 2 years have been the most trying on friendships. Army life, as well as work schedules, have forced a distance. However, it is always the trying times that allow loyalty to step in. This is the same spiritually. You have the opportunity to be loyal to God during your most troubling times. Instead of running away in unfavorable moments, we must run to the Lord!
God has placed some great people in my life. I hope that God allows me to return the loyalty as much as I have received one day. As I said earlier, some friendships are fleeting and some are lasting. I will add that some flicker in and out. I will concentrate on not taking any of them for granted. Thank you Father, for I am blessed!
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